“I’ve always really connected with older adults,” says Katie Miller, who had lost her own grandparents by the age of 15. Yet fresh out of college, Katie thought a job in hospitality would be a good use for her customer service skills. Starting out at the front desk, she was promoted to front desk supervisor in a year and was Assistant General Manager eighteen months later. Her early success made her believe she hadn’t just found a job, but a career.

Then came COVID-19. Few industries suffered like hospitality, and while Katie was not one of the 4 million hospitality jobs lost in 2020, the effects of an abrupt halt to tourism or business travel to the oil fields surrounding Midland, Texas dramatically impacted her work-life balance, and ultimately her physical and mental health. Working long hours with about 1/3 of her former staff took a toll.

“I loved my job, but I needed to put herself first. It was time to find a role that encouraged me to take care of myself.”

A Fresh Start

When Katie started at Holiday Polo Park Estates as an Assistant General Manager, she fully intended to create separation between her work life and her home life. While she loved older adults, she was burned out from her grueling experience in hospitality and wasn’t ready to get too attached. This plan crumbled quickly, as residents were eager to learn about the new face around the community.

“If you’re looking for a job in senior living, you best be prepared to have 60 grandmas and grandpas who are genuinely interested in your life. It’s beautiful that you can gain a whole family from a job you simply apply for.”

"Senior living requires a lot of heart."


A Culture of Quality

While creating a lot of strong relationships with her residents, Katie has still found the work-life balance she sought when she first applied at Holiday Polo Park Estates, even now as she has stepped into the General Manager role. It’s been a team effort to create a culture where all employees can give their all in the community and go home and give their all to their personal lives and families.

“We all work together to allow each other to have that work life balance. I’m not worried about my staff taking care of the community when I’m out. I’ve created a culture of quality and I trust them to deliver the same quality I would.”

A Rewarding and Stable Career

Not only does senior living offer an emotionally rewarding career, but it offers a stable career. Senior living is a strong industry to join as the number of Americans over 65 is expected to nearly double in the coming decades. More older adults than ever are considering senior living and looking for the right home to continue pursuing their passions in an active community.

“Senior living requires a lot of heart. You’re giving the residents your time, love, and care. I adore sitting with my residents and learning from them. It’s a privilege to be a part of this chapter of their life.”